Rotary Club of Daniel Island Committees
The Rotary Club of Daniel Island (RCDI) is also known locally as the Duck Race Club. We are proud to be the current large Rotary Club of the Year in our Rotary District, which is District #7770.
RCDI Committees for 2023/2024
Director: Tom Carroll;
Overview: The Community Service Committee aims to provide monthly service
opportunities for all members of the club: one hands-on project and one drive to collect supplies/goods for a local organization. Community Service events are announced throughout the year.
Overview: The Fellowship Committee organizes several social events throughout the
year including a chili cook off, holiday celebration, and oyster roast. In addition, this
committee advocates additional spur of the moment gatherings that might include a
sports outing or meet up at the Cabana Bar at the Daniel Island Club.
Director: Evan Murray
Overview: Our Club is known as the “Duck Club” due to our annual Charleston Duck
Race, our one and only fundraiser each year. Over 13 years we have raised over
$1.5M for local charities and Rotary global initiatives. As part of your role as a DI
Rotarian, there is an expectation that each member will garner 100 or more ducks for
the Race through individual duck adoptions and/or sponsorships, totaling a $1000 or
more donation as each duck costs $10.00 to adopt.
Director: Mike Geier
Overview: Each year, the Grants committee researches a variety of charities that align
with specific objectives set forth by the RCDI Club and Board, and manages the
distribution of grants to a variety of agreed upon beneficiaries.
Director: Maureen Cannon
Overview: The International Committee works to improve living conditions in the developing world, focusing on seven different global initiatives including Water and Sanitation projects. Significant grants can be obtained by partnering with other Rotary Clubs and then qualifying for matching funds from District 7770 and Rotary International.
Overview: One of Rotary International's goals is to promote literacy in our own
communities. DI Rotary does this by giving dictionaries to all the 3 grade students in
our area. The committee also hopes to encourage members of the club to volunteer as reading partners in the elementary schools. The committee will also be looking into how it can foster adult literacy through the Trident Literacy Council.
Director: Mary Jo Romeo;
Overview: Membership is focused on attracting new Rotarians who are willing put Service Above Self, and engage the current membership for the good of our community and Rotary International. RCDI Mentors partner with new members to encourage their connection to the Club. Membership also oversees Hobby Clubs which are unofficial social gatherings. Current Hobby Clubs include: Bourbon Tasting, Power Boating, Nail Bangers and Photography.
Public Image
Director: George Roberts
Overview: Public Image promotes RCDI in the local press such as the Daniel Island
News and in social media, especially during the Duck Race season of March through
June. Public Image overseas the website as well.
Rotary Foundation
Director: Ed Rominger
Overview: The Foundation Director is responsible for encouraging donations to The
Rotary Foundation established by Rotary International. The Rotary Foundation has six
areas of Focus: Promoting Peace, Fighting Disease, including Polio Plus, Providing Clean Water, Saving Mothers and Children, Supporting Education, and Promoting Local Economies, and the Environment.
Donations are made through the $25 that is part of the quarterly dues bill plus on an
individual basis. Contributors are recognized through Paul Harris fellowship awards
(Paul Harris is the Founder of Rotary International) once they have reached $1,000 in
contributions. Our Club has many, many Paul Harris Fellows.
Director: Amanda Wagner
Overview: This committee is focused on giving out scholarships locally and developing other educational opportunities offered through RCDI as well as Rotary International. Committee members are directly involved with handling all aspects of the application and selection of scholarship recipients including recruitment, group interviews and award decisions. Further the committee annually sponsors a Rotary Ambassadorial Global Scholar providing guidance and coaching in support of the applicant’s district level competition.
DI Weekly Speakers
Organizer: Steve Slifer
Overview: Each week, the Rotary Club of Daniel Island invites speakers from the
community to update, educate and inspire Rotarians. Speakers hail from business, the
community, non-profits and the government. The RCDI is known for bringing in a robust list of interesting speakers each week.
President Chip Law
Or reach out to any committee chair directly to get more involved.
