Featured Event - Bikes for Africa
A huge thank you to Christian Pullano, Tom Carroll, and Bob Schroeder for leading our Club’s efforts on this impactful project!
This past weekend, Rotarians from five Charleston-area Rotary Clubs came together to collect and prepare nearly 500 bikes for shipment to South Africa. Volunteers disassembled and packed the bikes into a donated shipping container, which is set to depart next week.
A special thanks to MSC Shipping Co., whose generous donation of the container—and 45 bikes from their Mount Pleasant office employees—made this possible. We’re also grateful to the City of Charleston Police Department for donating abandoned bikes, as well as to all the individuals who contributed their personal bikes and supplies during our collection drives last fall and in January.
Upon arrival at the Port of Durban, Rotarians in South Africa will help distribute the bikes to individuals in rural areas, providing them with much-needed transportation to work, school, and community resources.
This initiative is a powerful reminder that when we come together, we can make a lasting impact—across communities and across continents!

Rotary Club of Daniel Island
295 Seven Farms Drive, Suite C
P.M.B. 149
Charleston, South Carolina 29492