Jenn Drummond - Scaler of Mountain Peaks
A very inspirational talk with Jenn Drummond this morning via Zoom from Utah. Jenn is a mother of seven, CEO of a financial services firm, and now world record holder for being the first female to climb the seven second summits! These are the second-highest points on each of the seven continents (and harder to climb than the first highest, because they’re steeper, less traveled, and more remote).
After Jenn was involved in a severe car accident five years ago, she was inspired to set some very high goals which she has now achieved and documented in her new book BreakProof: 7 Strategies to Build Resilience and Achieve Your Life Goals (How to Reach Your Life Goals). From a near fatal car crash to the top of the world; truly a remarkable story!
We also celebrated a major milestone today with our own Michael Jordan’s 50th anniversary with Rotary! Thank you, Michael, for being an example to all of us!